Don't blame education system
In my previous post I talked about education in India and why Indian students are going abroad to study. I got a comment on a post about these situation and it made me change my view about education in India and lead me to write about this.
First of all everyone will blame our indian education system right ? Everyone claims that there is rotting system but in how many subjects u could rot ? Does your rotting works in maths in cbse where questions r totally different. Till tenth you are exposed to different subjects and some subjects you like and some don't. The only things that is missing is practical application but if you go deep in cbse rules there are enough practicals which schools don't follow.
Imagine a project is given to you and you would get marks for that and how we do that ? Google it and it's done. Do we go to libraries to read about that. not only practical application but knowledge is important tooo.
We rot that's our mistake..... what was CCE ? All about personality development. Debates should be there and all that kind of things that we need.but what was being done in that time of CCE ? what did teachers do ?
Fault is not in the system but in the applicators.
We and our teachers don't follow such things.
At the end the we come to the conclusion that we dont need to blame the education system everytime.
You can read out the previous posts about the education system in India
1.Education system in India-
2.why indian students do abroad-
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