Happy new year

                                                       HAPPY NEW YEAR

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2018. May your every good desire be fulfilled this year.

Seeing that today is the first month of the year I thought I might share with us a few nuggets that will help us make the most of the new year.

So without much ado let me share with you my six Nuggets and a Bonus.

1. Nothing Changes Until You Change.
Become a different person and 2018 will be a different year for you. Stay the same and 2018 will just be another 2017.

How do you become a different person? By changing the way you think. By investing on your personal development. Reading books, listening to Audio CDs, taking classes, learning a new skill, etc.

2. Life is Not a Straight Line.
Life is not a straight line. Nothing goes entirely as planned but plan and be ready for surprises. The key phrase is "be ready." Know that you will have to make some adjustments.

Be fixed on your overall objective but be flexible in your approach. It is not the strongest of species that survive, it is the one that can adapt the most.

3.The Market Does Not Care About Your Problems.
If you are sick, go to your doctor. The market place does not care about your problems. Forget about your own problems and think about solving the problems that others have. That is the key to financial wealth.

The quickest way to solve your problems is to provide the solutions to other people’s problems and they will gladly pay you in return. Don’t tell them about your problems. Ask them for their problems and provide the solution.

4.You must learn to be patient with yourself. Give time time.

5. Don't Feed On Crumbs.
Each time you get a freebie - free eBook, free class, free webinar, etc, know that the person offering it has something else of more value that they sell. That is what you should go for.

You can't live your entire life feeding on crumbs. Go for the main dish. It may cost you money but it will definitely be worth it.

6. Divorce The Negatives.
You cannot keep negative people around you and expect a positive life.

You are trusting God for a life partner but all you do on Facebook is follow the post of that lady who was hurt by her husband ten years ago and has refused to heal.

You cannot keep such people around you and not be infested by their venoms. You are constantly feeding on poison. Look for those who already have what you desire and learn from them.

Bonus: You Can’t Drive Your Car With The Fuel In My Car.
If you forget everything I have said so far, don’t forget this. You can only go as far as your fuel can carry you. You cannot drive your car with the fuel in my car.

A lot of people pride themselves in taking selfies with people who are doing something. There is nothing wrong with taking selfies and hanging out with this celebrity and that celebrity. But it is better to focus on what you can do that will make others want to take selfies with you.

We all love the container but it is the content that makes the container more attractive. Focus on your own growth. Start where you are. Do the work. The earlier you start the better. One car may be able to tow another car. But for how long do you want to be towed?

As we begin the new year we must increase our leadership capacity in order to experience the kind of year we want. John Maxwell says it best, "Everything rises and falls on leadership."

Have a blast this new year❤

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